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Inclusive Access Program

• The Inclusive Access Program is an innovative way to tap into your course materials.  Access is typically provided 2 days before the start of class when you log into your D2L.  In turn,  the cost to the student is drastically reduced for the interactive digital course materials & textbooks.  In addition,  we have enhanced our textbook model to instantaneously provide access to the course materials while also improving affordability.

• The goal of this program is to improve education success from day one,  while reducing the cost of course materials for our students by up to 80%.

• When D2L opens for the start of the current term,  you will have immediate access to your online course material through SRU’s drop/add period.  Your student account has already been charged the discounted rate per your course material.  Please go onto the bookstore website or view your student account to determine the cost of your material.

• If you hit a paywall and it is asking for credit card information,  you are accessing the website incorrectly.

• Please go to This Link for instructions on how to access digital content through D2L.

• First, You'll need to create an account with Vital Source using your student email to access your Electronic Bookshelf. Click here for instructions on how to access your digital materials through Inclusive Access.

How It Works:

• An email will be sent to students prior to the first day of classes informing them that they are enrolled in a course that is part of the Inclusive Access Program. The information in the email will include course information,  the cost of the course content,  and the opt-out date.  Please note that not all courses and sections of a course are a part of the program.  To see the complete list of courses that are part of the program,  please view the Inclusive Access List.

• Students will access the required course material through D2L.  Instructors will inform students the proper way to access the content in their specific course.

• By default students are opted into the content.  If the student decides that they do not want their required course materials through this program,  at the low cost offered,  they have the option to "OPT-OUT". If you wish to opt-out and you no longer have the email you received about your Inclusive Access courses, you can opt-out through the course on D2L or email Kevin Taylor. If the student chooses to opt-out,  they will be responsible for obtaining the appropriate course materials and/or textbooks.  The bookstore will not have a printed copy of your Inclusive Access Material.

Why It Works:

• Access to the material is typically available 3 days prior to the start of classes,  possibly earlier.  It is available as soon as the instructor makes the course available to students in D2L.

• There is no waiting to purchase access codes,  or for delivery of a book purchased online at the bookstore.

• Slippery Rock University,  The SGA Bookstore,  faculty,  and publishers have agreed on a significantly reduced price to provide the required course content electronically through D2L.

Tips To Ensure Successful Access To Content:

• Use Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox

• Popup blockers must be turned off

• Delete your browsers cached files

• Enable cookies on your web browser

• Follow any instructions from your instructor on how to connect to the internet.

Additional information can be found in the FAQ. ,  and resource sections of this website.