About Inclusive Access
We understand textbooks are expensive. We found a new way to lessen the cost of certain textbooks by partnering with multiple publishers to offer course materials at a significantly reduced price! Utilizing D2L, the Inclusive Access program allows students direct access to their course materials on the first day of classes.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What are the benefits of Inclusive Access?
• Inclusive Access is a collaboration between your instructor, SGA Bookstore, SRU Student accounts and publishers to provide required materials at a significantly reduced price. It also gives you access to the course material on the first day of class or earlier.
How do I pay for Inclusive Access?
• The cost of the materials will appear on your SRU student account along with tuition and other fees. This is typically about one month before classes begin.
How do I access my materials?
• All the Inclusive Access Material can be accessed through D2L and is available by the first day of class or sooner.
What if I drop the course?
• Students who drop the course before the drop/add period deadline will automatically be “opted out” and your SRU student account will be credited the full amount.
What if I do not want to participate in Inclusive Access?
• You may opt out of Inclusive Access any time before the drop/add period deadline. Please be advised that by choosing to opt out, your online content will be turned off and you will lose access to required course materials. Opt-out instructions are provided on D2L.
Where can I go for more information?
• If your question was not answered in the FAQ, please email sgabookstore@sru.edu.